The Gypsy Laddie
Three gypsies cam' tae oor ha door
An' oh but they sang boninie
Oh they sang sae sweet and sae complete
That they stole the hert of a lady O
Whe seh cam' trippin' doon the stair
Her maidens twa afore her O
They took one look at her weel-faur'd face
An' they cast their speels oot ower her O
They've gien tae her the nutmeg fine
Likewise a little ginger O
An' one o' them stepped up by her side
Stole the gold ring aff her finger O
It's she's cast aff her bonny silken goon
Pit on her tartan plaidie O
An' she gaithered roon her maidens twa
An' bid fareweel tae their lady O
When her good lord cam' hame that night
He was speirin' for his lady O
"Oh, the hounds has run an' the hawks are flown
An' the gypsy's awa wi' your lady O"
"Gue saddle tae me my bonny black horse
The broon was ne'er sae speedy O
For I will neither eat nor drink
Till I win back my lady O"
Oh, they rade east and they rade west
An' they rade through Strathbogie O
An' there they spied the bonny lass
She was followin' the gypsy laddie O
"Oh, the very last time that I crossed this river
I had dukes an' lords tae attend me O
But this night I maun set in my white feet an' wade
An' the gypsies wadin' a' roon me O"
It's "Will ye gie up your houses an' your land
Will ye gie up your baby O
An' will ye gie up your ain wedded lord
An' keep followin' the gypsy laddie O?"
It's "I'll gie up my houses an' my land"
It's "I'll gie up my baby O
For I've made a vow an' I'll keep it true
Tae follow my gypsy laddie O"
There are seven brithers o' us a'
An' o but we were bonny O
But this very night we a' shall be hanged
For the stealin' o' the Earl's lady O
He's sent for a hangman oot o' Fife
An' anither ane oot o' Kirkcaldy O
An' ane by ane he's laid them doon
For the stealin' o' his lady O
"Last night I lay on a good feather bed
Wi' my good lord beside me O
But this night I maun lie in a cauld open van
Wi' the gypsies lying a' roon me O"
Another version of this song is called "Raggle Taggle Gypsy". It differs a little bit in the lyrics
and also the melody.