Hush, hush
Hush, hush, time to be sleeping
Hush, hush, dreams come a'creeping
Dreams of peace and of freedom
So smile in your sleep, bonnie baby.
Once our valleys were ringing
With sounds of our children singing
But now sheep bleat in the evening
And houses lie empty and broken
Hush, hush.....
And we stood with heads bent in prayer
While soldiers burnt our houses barer
And the flames licked of the clear mountain air
And many were dead by the morning
Hush, hush...
And where was our fine highland metal
Our soldiers once so fearless in battle
Now stand huddled like cattle
And wait to be shipped o'er the ocean
Hush, hush....
And there is no use in crying or pleading
Gone all hope of staying
So hush, hush, the anchor's swaying
And don't cry in your sleep, bonnie baby