Granny's Heilan Hame
Where the heather bells are blooming
just outside Granny's door,
Where as laddies there we played
in the days of long ago.
Neath the shadow of Ben Bhragie
and Golspie's loudly stane,
How I wished that I could see
my Granny's Hielan' hame.
Away in the Hielands
There stands a wee hoose,
And it stands on the breast of the brae.
Where we played as laddies
Sae long long ago,
And it seems it was just yesterday.
Where the heather bells etc.
I can still see old Granny,
A smile on her face,
As sweet as the heather dew,
When she kissed me good-bye
Wi' a tear in her eye,
And said, 'Laddie may God bless you'.
Where the heather bells etc.
(Granny's Hieian' Hame)
The thatched cottage was the hub of the
Scottish crofter's life. Still to be seen
scattered about. But little more
than a museum piece today.