Eriskay Love Lilt
Gradh Geal Mo Chridh
Traditional, from the Hebrides Islands
-- 1 --
Refrain #1:
Bheir mi òro bhan o
Bheir mi òro bhan i
Bheir mi òru o ho
'S mi tha brònach's tu'm dhith.
'S iomadh oidhche fliuch is fuar
Ghabh mi cuairt is mi leam fhin,
Gus an d'rainig mi'n t-àit
Fai'n robh gradh geal mo chridh.
[Refrain #1]
'Na mo chlàrsaich cha robh ceòl
'Na mo mheoirean cha robh àgh,
Rinn do phògsa mo leòn,
Fhuair mi eòlas an dàin.
[Refrain #1]
-- 2 --
Refrain #2:
Vair me oro van o
Vair me oro van ee
Vair me oru o ho
Sad am I without thee.
When I'm lonely, dear white heart,
Black the night or wild the sea,
By love's light my foot finds
The old pathway to thee.
[Refrain #2]
Thou'rt the music of my heart,
Harp of joy, oh cruit mo chridh,
Moon of guidance by night,
Strength and light thou'rt to me.
[Refrain #2]
-- 3 --
Refrain #1:
Bheir mi òro bhan o
Bheir mi òro bhan i
Bheir mi òru o ho
'S mi tha brònach's tu'm dhith.
Fada siar air aghaidh cuain
'Se mo dhuansa "Cruit Mo Chridh,"
Guth mo luaidh anns gach stuaidh
'Ga mo nuallan gu tir.
[Refrain #1]
Gur tu m'òige is mo rùn,
Mo reul-iùil thu anns an oidhch',
Tha mo dhrùidheachd ad shùil,
Tha mo chiurradh ad loinn.
[Refrain #1]
-- 1 --
Bheir mi òro bhan o
Bheir mi òro bhan i
Bheir mi òru o ho
I'm sad that you're not with me.
Many wet and chilly nights
I went walking all alone,
Until I reached that place
The love of my heart found home.
There's no music in my harp
My fingers knew naught but pain,
Then your kiss, that wondrous barb,
Brought song to my life again.
On the sea, far to the west
"Harp of My Heart" I call.
Your voice in each wave's crest,
Brings me closer to landfall.
You're my youth and dear to me,
You're my pole star in the night,
My joy in your eye, I see
My ache's eased in your fair sight.