Donnelly and Cooper
Come all you true bred Irishmen
I hope you will draw near,
And likewise pay attention
To those few lines I have here,
It is as true a story
As ever you did hear,
Of how Donnelly fought Cooper
On the Curragh of Kildare.
It was on the third of June,
Brave boys, the challenge was sent o'er,
From Britannia to old Grania
For to raise her son once more
To renew the satisfaction
And the credit to record,
They are all in deep distraction
Since Daniel conquered all.
Old Grania read the challenge
And received it with a smile
"You'd better haste unto Kildare
My well-beloved child,
It is there you'd reign victorious
As you often did before;
And your deeds will shine most glorious
Around sweet Erin's shore."
The challenge was accepted
And those heroes did prepare
To meet brave Captain Kelly
On the Curragh of Kildare,
Those Englishmen bet ten to one
That day against poor Dan,
Such odds as this could ne'er dismay
The blood of an Irishman.
When those two bully champions
Were stripped off in the ring,
They were then full determined on
Each other's blood to spill,
From six to nine they parried
That time till Donnelly knocked him down.
Here Grania smiled, "Well done my child,
That is ten thousand pounds."
The second round that Cooper fought
He knocked down Donnelly
And Dan likewise being of true game,
He rose most furiously,
Right active then was Cooper
He knocked Donnelly down again,
Those Englishmen they gave three cheers
Saying "The battle is all in vain."
Long life to brave Miss Kelly
'tis recorded on the plain,
She boldly stepped into the ring
Saying, "Dan, what do you mean?"
"Well done," says she, "brave Donnelly,
My Irish boy," said she
"My whole estate I have laid out
On you, brave Donnelly."
Tem Donnelly rose up again
And meeting with great might,
For to stagnate those nobles all,
He continued on the fight.
Tho' Cooper stood in his own defence
Exertion proved in vain,
For he soon received a temple blow
That hurled him o'er the rail
You sons of proud Britannia,
Your boasting now recall,
Since Cooper by Dan Donnelly
Has met his sad downfall,
In eleven rounds he got nine knock-downs
Likewise a broke jaw-bone
"Shake hands," said she, "brave Donnelly,
The battle is all our own."